Any excuse I can come up with to go to New York is usually good enough for me. This past July though, it was absolute perfection; I got the opportunity to explore the studios at Sunday Suppers, meet Karen, the creator of such an amazing concept, and take a class with Aran Goyoaga, someone I greatly admire.
It was a two-day workshop that included a "field trip" with a foraging expert. The highlight for me was the second day at the studio, where we had the chance to see Aran do her thing and share a bit of food styling wisdom and advice. After a tasty lunch, we were given some time to play with Karen's many props and photograph whatever we wanted from a variety of edible goods laid out for us. I find it fascinating to see how a table full of food and plates can inspire each of us in completely different ways; the results couldn't have been more varied and I love observing how a group of people with such similar passions can put together such different images. This is precisely why there is room for everyone to thrive in the business of photography and why we can benefit from spending time with fellow photographers; we collaborate and admire each others' work and inspire each other to push ourselves creatively. I would sign up for another workshop like this anytime.