Having always been a city girl, in love with brick buildings, spiral staircases and the vibe of busy street life at one o'clock in the morning, I'm surprised at how much I enjoy trading it all in for wide open spaces every now and then. A few weeks ago, I did a bit of exploring in my own province, something I had never really bothered with growing up in Quebec. I had been told many times that the area known as "Le Bas du Fleuve" was well worth the drive and, after a few days of dipping my feet in the river and strolling barefoot in the meadows, I concur.
I think we all have a soft spot for road trips. For me, there is something so exciting about packing up the Mini with all of my camera gear and driving for hours with my furry little dog on my lap, particularly if we are heading someplace new. The pleasures of discovering different regions with curious eyes and acquiring a sense of place are unbeatable.

The Bas du Fleuve proved to be a great little escape. Essentially, the area is comprised of a string of small villages on the waterfront, each enticing with a specialty; amazing smokehouses, cheese makers, ice cream shops or particularly impressive churches. The smells of low tide and country life combined with the breeze from the water had all of my senses awoken in the most relaxing way. I had forgotten how countless shades of greens and blues can be satisfying to the eyes and how a bit of fresh air from time to time can make you appreciate the simplicity of it all.