Picnic in a Lavender Field

Lately, I have been determined to sort through this gigantic folder of photos that has been neglected for the past year. I came across some of these shots, taken during a weekend getaway to the Okanagan. My beautiful pregnant friend has now given birth and the adorable baby behind the bump recently celebrated her sixth month birthday, just to give you an idea of how long it has been since I have been meaning to deal with these. In a way, it's nice to find these after some time has passed; I remember that we were very excited to get to know this little creature inside my friend's belly; that weekend we found out that "it" was going to be a girl and I couldn't wait to meet her.

We all stayed at the charming Gods Mountain Estate and had yet another amazing dinner catered by Joy Road; I will soon post photos of the dinner but in the meantime, a glimpse at a lavender farm we visited that afternoon. It's so picture perfect, it looks straight out of a movie set (I mean, who picnics at a lavender farm?!). I didn't think that I was much of a fan of the scent of lavender but there is definitely something soothing about sitting in the middle of a field. Needless to say, we stayed a little longer than we had anticipated.